Columbia University, Teachers College, New York
Master of Arts, October 2011
컬럼비아 대학, 예술학 석사(미술교육), 뉴욕
University College London, The Slade School of Fine Art, London, UK,
Master of Fine Art, August 2001
슬레이드 스쿨 오브 파인 아트, 순수 미술학 석사, 런던, 영국
University College London, The Slade School of Fine Art, London, UK,
Bachelor of Arts in painting, August 1999
슬레이드 스쿨 오브 파인 아트, 순수 미술학 학사 (회화), 런던, 영국
University of The Arts London, Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, UK
BETEC (equivalent to a foundation program), August 1995
첼시 칼리지 오브 아트, BETEC (파운데이션 프로그램과 상응),런던, 영국
Le Rosey and Collège du Léman, Switzerland
International Swiss School, 1988-1993
스위스 국제 학교
AWARDS / 수상 경력
2022 SUNNY ART PRIZE 2021 런던 써니 아트 센터 미술상, Sunny Art Centre, London
2019 샘터 신인 문학상, 시인들의 샘터, 샘터문학
2013 Finalist, call for artist at Korean Cultural Services of New York
뉴욕한국 문화원 전시 공모에 선정됨
2012 Times Square “Midnight Moment” July viewing program award, Times Square billboards, presented by Artist Wanted and Chashama, New York, NY
뉴욕 타임즈 스퀘어 “자정 모멘트” 비디오 상영 프로그램에 7월 한달 동안 상영되는 상을 받음
2010 Myers Community Art Project Award, Columbia University
마이어스 커뮤니티 아트 프로젝트 수상및 상금 받음, 컬럼비아 대학
컬럼비아 대학 에서 주는 대학교육에 관한 프로젝트 공모전에서 상을 받음. 프로젝트에 들어가는 모든 진행 비용을 받고 프로젝트가 끝나면 전시회를 기획할 수 있도록 후원함
2005 Produced the ‘Rise of Cheonggye Stream,’ a huge eco-art project, sponsored by Seoul Metropolitan City Government
서울 특별시 정부가 후원하는 청계천 프로젝트 제작함;거대한 에코 아트 프로젝트를 제작함.
청계천 프로젝트 청계천 복원을 기념하는 그림'청계천의 웅비'(크기60x20미터) 를 올림픽 공원 평화의문에서 열기구로 끌고 서울시를 비행함/서울시 후원.
주요 영화제 수상 및 공식 상영작
영화제목: The Eclipse: Recognized by the Sound (일식 소리가 알린다)
2022 Best Silent Film, New York International Film Awards, New York
무성영화 상, 뉴욕 국제 영화상
Best Experimental Film, ARFF Berlin, Around International Film Festival, Berlin
실험 영화 상, ARFF베를린 영화제
Best Director, Washington DC international Cinema festival, Washington DC
감독 상, 워싱턴 국제 영화제, 워싱턴
Best International short Film, Washington DC international Cinema festival, Washington DC
국제 단편 영화, 워싱턴 국제 영화제, 워싱턴
Best Experimental video, Venice Art and film Festival, Venice
최우수 실험 비디오, 베니스 예술과 영화 축제, 베니스
Best Experimental Film, Skia film Festival, Venice
실험 영화 상, 스키아 영화제, 베니스
Best Director of an Experimental Film, Best Actor & Director Awards - New York
실험 영화 감독상, 남우주연상 및 감독상, 뉴욕
Best Cinematography, Oniros Film Awards, New York
촬영상, 뉴욕 오니로스 영화상
Best Cinematography Short Film, Onyko Film Awards, Ukraine
우크라이나 Onyko Film Awards 최우수 촬영상 단편영화상 수상
Best Experimental Film, Outstanding Achievement, Beyond the Curve International
Film Festival, Paris
실험 영화 상, 탁월한 성취 상, Beyond the Curve 국제 영화제, 파리
Best Experimental Film/ Outstanding Achievement, Indie Short Fest, L.A.
실험영화 상, 탁월한 성취 상, Indie Short Fest, L.A.
Best Director, Indie Short Fest, L.A.
최우수 여 감독 상, Indie Short Fest, L.A.
Award Winner Best International Short Film, Swedish International Film Festival
최우수 국제 단편 영화, 스웨덴 국제 영화제
Best Experimental film, Best Director, First Women Film Festival, Iran
감독상, 실험영화 상, 제1회 여성 영화제, 이란
Honorable Mention, , Asia Film Art International Film Festival 2022, Hong Kong
선외가작, 홍콩 국제 예술영화제상영 작
Official selection, 4th Dimension Independent Film Festival, Bali
발리 국제 영화제상영 작
Official selection, 2022 ARFF Barcelona // International Awards, Barcelona
바르셀로나 국제 예술영화상 상영 작
영화제목: Island
Best Experimental Film, New York International Film Awards
실험 영화 상, 뉴욕 영화 상
Dance Choreography Film, New York International Film Awards
댄스 안무 영화 상, 뉴욕 영화 상
Best Experimental Film, Beyond the Curve International Film Festival, Paris
실험 영화 상, 파리 Beyond the Curve 국제 영화제
Award of Excellence, Best Dance Film, Beyond the Curve International Film Festival, Paris
최우수 댄스영화 상, 파리 Beyond the Curve 국제 영화제
Best Dance video, Florida Shorts, Florida
최우수 댄스 비디오, 플로리다 단편영화제
Best Music/Dance Video, London International Web & Shorts Film Festival (UK)
런던 베스트 음악/춤 비디오 상영 작
Nominee Best Experimental Film, TMFF - The Monthly Film Festival, Glasgow
최종후보, 최고 실험 영화상, 글라스고 TMFF 영화제
Finalist/Best Dance Film, Vesuvius international Film Festival 2022, Italy
최종후보, 최고 댄스 영화상, 버수베러스 영화제, 캄바냐, 이태리
영화제목: Sum
2022 Best Experimental Film, Cannes World Film Festival, Cannes
실험 영화 상, 칸느 세계영화제, 칸느, 프랑스
Best Experimental short Film, Berlin Short Awards, Berlin
실험 영화 상, 베를린 단편 영화제, 베를린
Award of Excellence, Best Dance Film, Beyond the Curve International Film Festival, Paris
댄스 영화 상, 파리 Beyond the Curve 국제 영화제
Best Art Film, AIMAFF(Athens Monthly international Art Film Festival), Athens
예술 영화 상, 아테네 국제 예술 영화제
Best Experimental film, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Rome
international Movie Awards, Rome
감독상, 최우수 실험영화 상, 최우수 촬영상, 최우수 의상 디자인 상, 로마 국제 영화 상, 로마
Best Cinematography film, Best First Women Actress, First Women Film Festival, Iran
촬영상, 최우수 첫 여성 배우 상, 제1회 여성 영화제, 이란
Best Dance Film, Swedish International Film festival, Sweden
댄스 영화 상, 스웨덴 국제 영화제, 스웨덴
Best Sound Design, Best Costume Design, Stockholm Gold Award
사운드 디자인상, 의상디자인상, 스톡홀름 골드 영화상
Nominee,, 4th Dimension Independent Film Festival, Bali
최종후보, 발리
Honorable Mention, BEST MUSIC/DANCE/ART FILM, London International Monthly Film Festival, London
선외가작, 런던 예술 국제 영화제, 런던
Honorable Mention, BEST MUSIC/DANCE/ART FILM, Tokyo International Monthly Film Festival,Toky
선외가작, 토쿄 예술 국제 영화제, 토쿄
Semi-Finalist/ Best Short, Montreal Arthouse Film Festival, Montreal
2019 The Eclipse; Recognized by the Sound, 부산 현대미술관 소장
2015 Visual Kinematics: A state of mind (No.10) 서울시립술관 소장
2012 ‘Visual Kinematics’, included as a permanent collection at Musée Cantonale des Beaux-Arts du Valais, Switzerland
스위스 발레이스에 있는 칸토날레 미술관에 ‘비주얼 키네매틱’ 작품 소장됨
2008 ‘Rise of Cheonggye Stream.’ included as a permanent collection in Seoul Municipal Museum
청계천 프로젝트를 위해서 그려진 그림 ‘청계천의 웅비’ 서울 시립 미술관에 소장됨
2003 Chosen by the committee of the centennial anniversary of Korean immigration to the United States, included three paintings in Sen. Hillary Clinton’s private collection.
이민100주년 기념 사업 회에서 차세대를 이끌어나갈 청년 예술인으로 선정되어 Hilary Clinton 연방 상원 의원에게 작품3개를 기증됨.
2015 AHL Foundation Residency, New York
AHL Foundation레지던시
2012 3-D Sculpture Park artist residency program, Verbier, CH
3-D 조각 공원 아티스트 레지던시 프로그램, 베르비에,스위스
2012 ARPNY(Artist Residency program New York), Kips gallery, long Island City, NY
뉴욕 아티스트 레지던시 프로그램,뉴욕
Performance 퍼포먼스
2017 Sounds of Fragment: Ecological Dreams (Requiem for Hybrid Life), voice and electronic
sound performance, single channel video, 세마 창고,서울혁신파크,
한국 문화 예술 위원회/NMARA 뉴미디어 아트 연합회 국제 문화교류 프로그램 프로젝트, 10월17일
2017 Sounds of Fragment: Ecological Dreams, voice and electronic
sound performance, single channel video, 백남준 아트 센터, 경기 미디어 퍼포먼스 페스티벌
경기도 문화예술 위원회, 11월 18일
2016 Fragments: Reconstructing History and Memory in East Asia, 40 minutes 35 seconds, 퍼포먼스,
백남 아트홀, 한양대학교, 5월19일, 서울
Professional Affiliations 전문적인 연합단체
런던 아티스트 컬렉티브 회원
생태 및 탈식민주의 페미니즘 분야에서 활동하는 예술가들의 페미니스트 플랫폼 회원
Summer programs/써머 프로그램
2010 Artist residency in public art, School of Visual Art, NY
공공 미술 아티스트 레지던시, 스쿨 오브 비주얼 아트,뉴욕
996-1998 International School of Painting, Drawing, and Sculpture, Umbria
인터 내셔널 스쿨 오브 페인팅, 드로잉, 조각, 이테리에서 3년간 미술 트레이님 수료
Solo Exhibitions /개인전
2022 Meta-Islet 메타 섬, KIAF PLUS, SETEC, Seoul
2019 Eclipse: Recognized by the Sound, Art Asia, Coex Convention and Exhibition Center, Seoul
미디어아트 특별전, 아트 아시아, 코엑스
2016 Fragment, Macy Gallery, Teachers Collge Columbia University, New York
파편, 메이시 갤러리, 컬럼비아 대학, 뉴욕
2013 Landscape, Memory and Desire, Elga Wimmer gallery, New York
“풍경, 회상, 그리고 욕망”, 엘가 위머 갤러리, 뉴욕
2009 Journey of Hope, Art side Gallery, Seoul
“희망의 여행: 관계와 소통”, 아트 사이드 갤러리,서울
2008 Lucid Dreams, Shinsang Gallery, Seoul
“명료한 꿈”신상 갤러리, 서울
2003 Reflection- Game- Reflection, French Cultural Center, Seoul
“반사 게임 반사”프랑스 문화원 초대전, 서울
2002 Symphony for Salvation, Insa Art Center, Seoul
“구원의 교항악”, 인사 아트 센터, 서울
2001 Universal Apparition Paintings, Hampstead Museum, London
만물의 발현, 런던 함스테드 박물관
Selected Group Exhibitions
2022 SUNNY ART PRIZE 2021 런던 써니 아트 센터 미술상, Sunny Art Centre, London
2019 Art and Social Activism Festival, New York
2017 Requiem for Hybrid life,서울 시립 미술관:세마창고,서울 문화예술 위원회
2016 Sulwha Cultural Exhibition: Once upon a time-The two love stars-Altair and Vega, 설화수 프레그십 스토어, 서울
2015 The Missing: Rebuilding the Past, John Jay College of criminal justice, New York, NY
더 미싱: 과거의 재건, 존 제이 칼리지 오브 형사 사법학, 뉴욕
2015 JABEOLRAE Media Art Project: Projection Mapping , Generative Art, Seoul Metropolitan Government,
Hangang Park, Seoul
미디어 아트 플젝트: 한강 자벌레 빌딩에 프로젝션 매핑, 한강사업본부 주최, 서울
2015 소마드로잉센터 등록작가 초대전, 소마 미술관, 서울
2015 “물의 꿈”, 뚝섬한강공원 자벌레 미디어아트 프로젝트, 서울
2015 “촉”, 한국조형예술학회. 북경 조형 미술학 조형예술연구소 초대 교류전, 북경중앙미술 대학원
2015 Weaving Time: The Exhibition from the Archive of Korean Artists in America Part III, Korean Cultural Services of
New York, NY
시간의 직조: 재미한인작가 아카이브 3차 2001-2013, 뉴욕 한국문화원
2015 ‘Behind the Scenery’, AHL Foundation Exhibition, BBCN Bank, NY
기억의 풍경, 알문화재단 전시회, BBCN은행, 뉴욕
2014 “Arrival”, 갤러리 시몬, 서울
2013 ‘Nature’s Tempo: Signs, Lines and Shapes’, Korean Cultural Services of New York, NY
자연의 템포: 한 미일 콜포 아티스트 당선작 그룹전, 뉴욕 한국 문화원
2012 Going Green II, Annual juried exhibition in conjunction with Queens Art express, Crossing Art Gallery, NY
“고잉 그린”, 연간 입선 작품 공모에서 선정됨, 크로싱 아트 갤러리와 퀸즈 문화 예술 위원회 주최, 뉴욕
2010 ‘Studio practice’, Macy Art Gallery, New York
스튜디오Practice, 컬럼비아 대학 소속 메이시 갤러리
2010 International Youth festival, Mediterranean University, Antalya
국제 청년 예술 페스티벌, 메디터레니언 대학, 안타야
2009 ‘Vision in New York City’, Art Basel Miami, Miami
아트 바젤 에서‘Vision in New York City’라는 제목의 비디오 스크리닝
Articles and Books
NFTs Invade South Korea for Frieze Seoul, Sep 5, 2022
커버스토리 조선비즈, Economy Chosun, 7월 7일, 2022
Artist to watch 2022, ArtConnect Magazine,Berlin, 7월, 2022
시네마 크리티크, Le Monde Diplomatique르몽드디플로마티크, France, 7월, 2022
시집‘우리집 어처구이는 시인,시인들의샘터,시인들의 샘터문학, 2019
Korea Times, 2019.8월6일
Weaving Time: The Exhibition from the Archive of Korean Artists in America Part Ⅲ, 전시회 도록, 뉴욕한국 문화원, 2015
Nature’s Tempo: Signs, Lines and Shapes’, 전시회 도록, 뉴욕한국 문화원, 2013
Art in America, online magazine, July, 2012
아트 인 아메리카 잡지 7월호 뉴스 엔 오피니언에 실림, 2012
International Contemporary Artists, art book, volume IV, 2012
“국제 현대 예술가들”, 미술 책, 볼륨IV, 2012
Seoul Municipal Museum: Permanent Collection Book, 2009
서울 시립미술관 컬렉션 책, 2009
Contemporary Korean artists to commemorate its 20th anniversary collection book 2005
20 주년 한국 현대 미술컬렉션, 책, 2005
Art project presented in the afternoon news, YTN TV, Seoul, Korea, 2005-11-21
청계천 프로젝트, YTN 오후 뉴스, KBS 저녁 뉴스, 조선일보, 한국 일보, 동화 일보, 스포츠 조선 중앙 일보 등.
Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
홍익 대학교 미술 대학원 회화과 강사 2014년 3월- 2014년 12월
담당과목: 회화
Ewha Women’s University, Seoul, Korea
이화여자 대학교 회화과 강사
담당과목: 회화와 뉴 테크 널러지 2014년 3월- 2014년 12월
Myongji College, Seoul, Korea
Assistant Professor 2005년 3월- 2009년 9월
명지전문 대학교 교양과 초빙조교수
담당과목: 디자인의 이해, 서양미술의 이해(주간)
생활과 미술(평생교육원)
Sang Myung University, Seoul, Korea
Lecturer 2006 3월 – 2009년 9월
상명 대학교 조형예술학부 강사
담당과목: 조형 이론과 실습
미술 재료학과 테크닉
인체드로잉과 해부학
인천가톨릭 대학교 조형 예술학부 강사 2003년 3월 -2004 7월
담당과목: 성미술과 회화
미술 재료학과 테크닉
Columbia University, Teachers College, New York
Master of Arts in Art Education, October 2011
University College London, The Slade School of Fine Art, London, UK,
Master of Fine Art in Fine Art Media, August 2001
University College London, The Slade School of Fine Art, London, UK,
Bachelor of Arts in painting, August 1999
University of The Arts London, Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, UK
BETEC (equivalent to a foundation program), August 1995
Le Rosey and Collège du Léman, Versoix, Switzerland
International Swiss School, 1988-1993
2022 SUNNY ART PRIZE 2021, Sunny Art Centre, London
2021 Award of Excellence in Poem writing, Samteo literature, Korea
2019 Samteo literature award for new writer, Korea
2013 Finalist, call for artist at Korean Cultural Services of New York
2012 Times Square Midnight Moment July viewing program award, Times Square billboards, New York, NY
2012 Finalist in Going Green II, Annual juried exhibition in conjunction with Queens Art Express, Crossing Art Gallery, NY
2010 Myers Community Art Project Award, Columbia University, NY
2005 Produced the Rise of Cheonggye Stream, a comprehensive eco-art project, sponsored by Seoul Metropolitan City Government
Selected Film Awards and screening
Title of the film: The Eclipse: Recognized by the Sound (Selected Awards)
2022 Best Silent Film, New York International Film Awards
Best Experimental Film, ARFF Berlin, Around International Film Festival
Best Director, Washington DC international cinema festival, Washington DC
Best International short Film, Washington DC international cinema festival, Washington DC
Best Experimental video, Venice Art and film Festival, Venice
Best Experimental Film, Skia film Festival, Venice
Best Director of an Experimental Film, Best Actor & Director Awards - New York
Best Cinematography, Oniros Film Awards, New York
Best Cinematography Short Film, Onyko Film Awards, Ukraine
Best Experimental Film, Outstanding Achievement, Beyond the Curve International
Film Festival, Paris
Best International short Film, Washington DC international cinema festival, Washington DC
Best Director (Female), Independent Shorts Awards, L.A.
Best Experimental Film, Outstanding Achievement, Indie Short Fest, L.A.
Best Director (Female), Indie Short Fest, L.A.
Best Experimental Work, Venice Art & Film Festival VIFF, Venice, Italy
Best Experimental Film, Outstanding Achievement, IndieX Film Fest, Hollywood
Best Director (Female), Best Sound Mixing Film, IndieX Film Fest, Hollywood
Best Director, 8 & Halfilm Awards, Rome
Best International Short Film, Swedish International Film Festival
Best Experimental Film, Best Director, First Women Film Festival, Iran
Honorable Mention, Asia Film Art International Film Festival 2022, Hong Kong
Official selection of 'AVIFF' Cannes Art Film Festival, Cannes, France
Official selection, 4th Dimension Independent Film Festival, Bali
Official selection, 2022 ARFF Barcelona // International Awards, Barcelona
Title of the film: Sum
2022 Best Experimental Film, Cannes World Film Festival, Cannes
Best Experimental Film, Berlin Short Awards, Berlin
Best Dance Film, Swedish international Film Festival, Arvika
Award of Excellence, Best Dance Film, Beyond the Curve International Film Festival, Paris
Best Art Film, AIMAFF(Athens Monthly international Art Film Festival), Athens
Best Experimental film, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Rome international Movie Awards, Rome
Best Sound Design, Best Costume Design, Stockholm Gold Award
Best Cinematography, Best First Women Actress, First Women Film Festival, Iran
Nominee, 4th Dimension Independent Film Festival, Bali
Honorable Mention, BEST MUSIC/DANCE/ART FILM, London International Monthly Film Festival, London
Honorable Mention, BEST MUSIC/DANCE/ART FILM, Tokyo International Monthly Film Festival, Tokyo
Semi-Finalist/ Best Short, Montreal Arthouse Film Festival, Montreal
Title of the film: Island
2022 Best Experimental Film, New York International Film Awards
Best Dance Choreography Film, New York International Film Awards
Award of Excellence, Best Experimental Film, Beyond the Curve International Film Festival, Paris
Award of Excellence, Best Dance Film, Beyond the Curve International Film Festival, Paris
Best Dance Video, Best Experimental film, Best No dialog film, Golden Giraffe International Film Festival, Nice, France
Best Experimental video, Monthly Indie Shorts, Lebanon
Best Dance Film, Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Rome International Movie Awards, Rome
Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Robinson Film Awards, Campania
Best Short Dance Film, Florida Shorts, Florida
Nominee Best Experimental Film, TMFF - The Monthly Film Festival, Glasgow
Finalist, Best Dance Film, Vesuvius international Film Festival 2022, Italy
Official selection, Best Music/Dance Video, London International Web & Shorts Film Festival (UK)
2019 The Eclipse: Recognized by the Sound included as a permeant collection at Museum of Contemporary Art Busan
2015 Visual Kinematics: A state of mind (No.10) included as a permanent collection at Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
2013 Visual Kinematics included as a permanent collection at Musée Cantonale des Beaux-Arts du Valais, Switzerland, CH
2008 Rise of Cheonggye Stream included as a permanent collection at the Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
2003 Chosen by the committee of the centennial anniversary of Korean immigration to the United States, included three paintings in Sen.Hillary Clinton’s private collection.
2023 ARFF Barcelona /Around International Film Festival
2015 AHL Foundation Residency, New York
2012 3-D Sculpture Park artist residency program, Verbier, Switzerland, CH
2012 ARPNY (Artist Residency program New York), Kips gallery, long Island City, NY
2022 The Occupancy of the Self: Imagining Hybrid Moments, This is not a church, Seoul
2017 Sounds of Fragment: Ecological Dreams (Requiem for Hybrid Life), voice and electronic
sound performance, single channel video, SEMA storage, Seoul Innovation Park,
Art Council Korea/NMARA International Cultural exchange project, October 17, Seoul
2017 Sounds of Fragment: Ecological Dreams, voice and electronic
sound performance, single channel video, Nam June Park art center, Kyunggi Media
performance festival, Kyunggido Art Council, November 18, Kyunggido
2016 Fragments: Reconstructing History and Memory in East Asia, 40 minutes 35 seconds, performance,
Paiknam Art hall, Hanyang University, May19, Seoul
Professional Affiliations
Member of Artist Collective UK
Member of feminist platform of artists working in the field of ecological and postcolonial feminism
Summer programs
2010 Artist residency in public art, School of Visual Art
996-1998 International School of Painting, Drawing, and Sculpture, Umbria
Solo Exhibitions
2023 Transcendent Echoes, Kwanhoon Gallery, Seoul
2023 The Occupancy of the Self: Imagining Hybrid Moments, This is not a church, Seoul
2022 Meta-Islet, KIAF PLUS, SETEC, Seoul
2019 Eclipse: Recognized by the Sound, Art Asia, Coex Convention and Exhibition Center, Seoul
2016 Fragment, Macy Gallery, Teachers College Columbia University, New York
2013 Landscape, Memory, and Desire, Elga Wimmer Gallery, New York
2009 Journey of Hope, Gallery ARTSIDE, Seoul
2003 Reflection- Game- Reflection, French Cultural Center, Seoul
2002 Symphony for Salvation, Insa Art Center, Seoul
2001 Universal Apparition Paintings, Hampstead Museum, London
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 Annual Exhibiiton, Royal Scotish Academy of Art, Edinburogh, UK
2022 SUNNY ART PRIZE 2021, Sunny Art Centre, London
2019 Exhibition at Art and Social Activism Festival, New York
2017 Requiem for Hybrid life, SEMA storage (Seoul Museum of Art), Seoul, Sponsored by art council Korea
2016 Sulwha Cultural Exhibition: Once upon a time-The two love stars-Altair and Vega, Sulwhasoo flagship store, Seoul
2015 JABEOLRAE Media Art Project: Projection Mapping, Generative Art, Seoul Metropolitan Government,
Hangang Park, Seoul
2015 The Exhibition from the Archive of Soma Drawing Center, Seoul Olympic Museum of Art
2015 Chock, Exhibition of the Art Society of Korea, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing
2015 Weaving Time: The Exhibition from the Archive of Korean Artists in America Part III, Korean Cultural Services of
New York, NY
2015 Behind the Scenery, AHL foundation exhibition, BBCN bank, NY
2014 Arrival, Gallery Simon, Seoul
2014 Total support, Total museum of contemporary art, Seoul
2013 Nature’s Tempo: Signs, Lines and Shapes, Korean Cultural Services of New York, NY
2012 Going Green II, Annual juried exhibition in conjunction with Queens Art express, Crossing Art Gallery, NY
2010 Studio practice, Macy Art Gallery, New York
2010 International Youth festival, Mediterranean University, Antalya,Turkey
2009 Vision in New York City, Art Basel Miami, Miami
2005 Korea Art Festival of 2005, Sejong Center, Seoul
2002 Acardia in the City (2002): Marble Hill House project, London, E-Gallery and National Heritage of England
Articles and Books
SayArt, 2023, Sep 2023
NFTs Invade South Korea for Frieze Seoul, Sep 5, 2022
Artist to watch 2022, ArtConnect Magazine, Berlin, July, 2022
Cinema Critique, Le Monde Diplomatique, France, July, 2022
Poem book, Love of the wind and flower, Samteo literature, 2021
Poem book, A preposterous poet in our house, Samteo literature, 2019
Korea Times, August 6, 2019
Art in America, online magazine, July, 2012
International Contemporary Artists, art book, volume IV, 2012
Journey of Hope, Artside gallery Catalog, 2009
Seoul Municipal Museum: Permanent Collection Book, 2009
Contemporary Korean artists to commemorate its 20th anniversary collection book 2005
WOLGANMISOOL, Interview, Monthly art magazine, 2005
MISULSEGAE, Interview, Monthly art magazine, 2003
Review of ‘Rise of Cheonggye Stream’, Chosun Ilbo, Hankyoreh, Donga Ilbo and Sports Chosun News paper, Seoul, Korea, 2005-11-22
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts
Artificial intelligence: Implications for Business Strategy, May 2018
New York University, School of Professional Studies, Center for Applied Liberal Arts, New York
“Essentials of Appraising” and “Asian Art and Antiquities in Today’s World Marketplaces”, August 2012
Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
Lecturer March 2014-December 2015
Course Title: ‘Painting’ at the Graduate School of Art and Design (Fall and Spring 2014)
·Facilitated and supported students’ expression of their artistic interests in Fine Art/painting by advising them on the most appropriate technique to achieve their individual goals
·Designed the course structure to stimulate theoretical acquisition and innovation, by using conceptual frameworks to connect with perceptual artistic values from lecture in order to facilitate students’ self-learning process
Ewha Women’s University, Seoul, Korea
Lecturer March 2014- December 2015
Course Title: ‘Painting and New Technology’ at the department of painting (Fall and spring 2014)
·Designed course structure focusing on understanding the relationship between electronic media and painting in fine art, to conceptualize personal objectives for art making using various techniques of video, film making, and installation art by creating and implementing a syllabus based on critical studies and presentation in studio art
·Facilitated and supported students’ expression of their artistic interests with various media by advising them on the most appropriate techniques to achieve their individual goals
Myers Community Art Project Award, New York, U.S
Project leader and instructor January 29-March 6, 2011
Course title: “Public art workshop for seniors”
Awarded and fully funded by Columbia University
The classes held at Morningside Retirement and Health Services
· Developed curricula and syllabi focusing on understanding the relationship between environment, space, and artwork to conceptualize personal objectives for art making, helping seniors to experience their community as a whole which resulted promoting an awareness of the physical, natural environment in relationship to art
· Organized an exhibition at the Macy gallery with the final artworks from the project that included painting, collaboration sculpture, documentation photographs, collage on paper, installation and performance at the opening reception
· Designed syllabi to be an interactive workshop among members of a community group in Morningside Heights, Harlem and aided in the strengthening of interaction with the community and the academia
· Introduced performance entitled “laughing circle” as a tool to engage with a space and environment at the beginning of each class, which resulted participants to uplift the mood and provided a positive energy before making art
· Designed course structure covering various areas of media in fine art painting, sculpture, photography, and installation by creating and implementing a syllabus based on critical studies and presentation in studio art
Myongji College, Seoul, Korea
Assistant Professor March 2005- June 2009
Developed curricula and syllabi focused on the art history and culture of Western and Eastern art by encouraging students to recognize the influence of western art in Korean society
Introduced art critique methodology and “how to” art appreciation techniques by modeling the art critique process in order to enhance students’ general art knowledge and promote their artistic ability
·. Improved students’ understanding of the relationship between art and cultural identity by exposing them to art pieces that illustrate the influence of western art on Korean art and guiding group discussions
Introduced aesthetic elements of design in Basic Design course in order to enhance students’ skills in expressing and applying pictorial and typographical factors in plane formative arts with visual rules and principles
Course Title: ‘Understanding of Western Arts’ at the college (Fall and spring 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)
Course Title: ‘Life and Art’ at the lifelong education center of the college (Fall and spring 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)
Sang Myung University, Seoul, Korea
Lecturer March 2006 -July 2009
Designed course structure covering all areas of media in fine art painting, sculpture, photography, film, and installation by creating and implementing a syllabus based on critical studies and presentation in studio art
Facilitated and supported students’ expression of their artistic interests with diverse media by advising them on the most appropriate medium to achieve their individual goals
Developed curriculum for a theory-based studio course that incorporated art history and aesthetics in order to facilitate students’ self-learning process
Designed the course structure to stimulate theoretical acquisition and innovation, by using conceptual frameworks to connect with perceptual artistic values from lecture
Implemented life drawing lessons into the curriculum in order to introduce principles of anatomy and encourage artistic human body considerations
Course Title: ‘Theory and Practice of Plastic Arts’ (Fall and spring 2006, 2007)
Course Title: ‘Art Materials and Techniques’ (Fall and spring 2008)
Course Title: ‘Drawings of Human Body and Anatomy’ (Fall and spring 2009)
Incheon Catholic University, Seoul, Korea
Lecturer March 2006 -July 2009
Facilitated and supported students’ expression of their artistic interests with diverse media by advising them on the most appropriate medium to achieve their individual goals
Developed curriculum for a theory-based studio course that incorporated religion and aesthetics in order to facilitate students’ self-learning process
Course Title: ‘Sacred Painting’ (Fall and spring 2005)
Course Title: ‘Art Materials and Techniques’ (Fall and spring 2005)